Descriptive Analytics
StraitsBridge’s vision is to apply Analytics across your whole enterprise (Bank). We can help you structure your analytics initiatives and achieve your business targets in a targeted approach towards enabling use-cases and quick-wins. Our Banking practitioners (specialists) have several years of experiences in the Banking industry and combine their Business & Technology expertise to deliver value based solutions.
Our BI Center of Excellence, BI Analytics & Statistical reports and packages are supported by more than 150 professionals from multiple countries, helping banks on ready and available dashboards that are ready to use and have a shorter lifecycle for implementation. All our specific dashboards leverage off open source products that reduce cost for our clients and enable receipt of a quicker ROI. We are already working with many clients in SE-Asia, Middle East and Africa, delivering cost-effective, productive Analytics projects that amount to a substantial reduction in time-to-market for implementation.
All our analytical solutions are be-spoke and already tailored to Banking specific requirements and environments, and are delivered by the most appropriate combination of onshore and offshore resources. We have strong international alliances with multiple product and visualization companies as well as local partnerships which enables us to deliver best of breed solutions to meet your needs.